Monday, February 20, 2012

The We are Friends Project

Occasional visitors here may not know that my sister Julie is writing a great blog, loosely based around her experiences of learning Japanese and expanding out from there to other things about Japanese culture and life in general. Today she has put up a post about yet another thing I knew nothing about, namely two young Japanese guys filming their attempt at making friends from every country in the world. Their efforts are very charming and funny, but why not  head on over to Julie Learns Japanese and learn more about them?


  1. This comment has been removed by the author.

  2. That is a nice project, though I can't help wondering how one says, "Buzz off, jerk. We already have a friend from Tuvalu" in Japanese.
    Detectives Beyond Borders
    "Because Murder Is More Fun Away From Home"

  3. Yes, it's a fun thing they're doing, though they do give a bit of short shrift to the people who come from countries they aren't collecting. Not in a mean way, but, well, not that conducive to actual friendship.

  4. It sounds like an in-person pen-pal project.

  5. More like an in person Facebook project.

  6. Oh, you mean the friends they'e trying to make are the kind on "Friends"?
